<aside> 💡 Add your annual goals as a new page below. These are grouped/tagged into the 5 balls of life (from the speech by Coca-Cola’s former CEO Brian Dyson (1986-1991)). Each Annual Goal will create a new page where you can add new details about your goals. The example page has inspirational pages you can adopt for each goal.


<aside> 💡 You can then break your goals down into quarterly goals where for each quarter you list milestone of your annual goals you will achieve each quarter( Top 5 priorities, Quarterly goals). Then in the same way you will break down the listed qaurterly goal into the milestones you will achieve each month. In each month, you will then use the weekly planner to schedule your todos for each month. At the end of each quarter, month and week, you will review what you have achieved respectively



A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life], But the Lord directs his steps *and* establishes them. Proverbs 16:9 (AMP).

<aside> 🪙 Treasured Time


<aside> 💰 Investment Time


<aside> 🪚 Mandatory Time


<aside> 🪹 Empty Time



2024 Annual Goals

🎯 Quarterly Goals (Q1)


Quarterly Goals
Top 5 Priorities

Work (WK) 🧑🏽‍💻

<aside> 💡 Notes


Family(FY) 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

<aside> 💡 Notes


Health(HH) 🫀

<aside> 💡 Notes


Friends(FS) 👬

<aside> 💡 Notes


Spirit(ST) 🛐

<aside> 💡 Notes



Monthly Plan for January

Monthly Goals
Top 5 Priorities

Work (WK) 🧑🏽‍💻

<aside> 💡 Notes


Family(FY) 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

<aside> 💡 Notes


Health(HH) 🫀